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Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Tipologia TV
Voto 7.8
5 Voti
Episodi 148
Durata 24
Rilascio 2 ottobre 2011
Origine Manga
Studio Madhouse
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Hunter x Hunter racconta la storia di Gon, un ragazzo dalle mille risorse deciso a diventare Cacciatore per seguire le orme paterne e poter, allo stesso tempo, comprendere meglio il genitore che lo ha abbandonato ancora in fasce. Partito per la prova d’esame da cacciatore, a bordo di una nave Gon fa subito la conoscenza di altri due aspiranti Cacciatori, Leorio e Kurapika, mentre incontra il gioviale Killua e lo spietato Hisoka nelle primissime prove di un esame apparentemente infinito…


Debate x Among x Zodiacs
Ep 1
Request x and x Wish
Ep 2
Alluka x and x Something
Ep 3
Join Battle x and x Open Battle
Ep 4
Magician x and x Butler
Ep 5
Needles x and x Debt
Ep 6
Sin x and x Claw
Ep 7
Approval x and x Coalition
Ep 8
Defeat x and x Reunion
Ep 9
Chairman x and x Release
Ep 10
Salvation x and x Future
Ep 11
Past x and x Future
Ep 12
Bargain x and x Deal
Ep 13 Filler
Chase x and x Chance
Ep 14
Insanity x and x Sanity
Ep 15
Victor x and x Loser
Ep 16
Ging`s Friends x and x True Friends
Ep 17
Reunion x and x Understanding
Ep 18
Unease x and x Sighting
Ep 19
Very x Rapid x Reproduction
Ep 20
No x Good x NGL
Ep 21
Evil x and x Terrible
Ep 22
The x Fight x Begins
Ep 23
Kite x and x Slots
Ep 24
Inspiration x to x Evolve
Ep 25
A x Fated x Awakening
Ep 26 Filler
Light x and x Darkness
Ep 27
Promise x and x Reunion
Ep 28
Duel x and x Escape
Ep 29
Rock-Paper-Scissors x and x Weakness
Ep 30
Compassion x and x Strength
Ep 31
Interest x and x Curse
Ep 32
The Strong x and x the Weak
Ep 33
One Wish x and x Two Promises
Ep 34
Date x with x Palm
Ep 35
Friend x and x Journey
Ep 36
Grudge x and x Dread
Ep 37
A x Lawless x Home
Ep 38
Carnage x and x Devastation
Ep 39
Infiltration x and x Selection
Ep 40
Combination x and x Evolution
Ep 41
Tracking x and x Pursuit
Ep 42
Ikalgo x and x Lightning
Ep 43
Power x and x Games
Ep 44
Check x and x Mate
Ep 45
Doubt x and x Hesitation
Ep 46
Resolve x and x Awakening
Ep 47
Knov x and x Morel
Ep 48
Return x and x Retire
Ep 49
Gungi x of x Komugi
Ep 50
Taking Stock x and x Taking Action
Ep 51
Confusion x and x Expectation
Ep 52
Charge x and x Invade
Ep 53
Monster x and x Monster
Ep 54
An x Indebted x Insect
Ep 55
Divide x and x Conquer
Ep 56
Duty x and x Question
Ep 57
Revenge x and x Recovery
Ep 58
Insult x and x Payback
Ep 59
A x False x Rage
Ep 60
Strong x or x Weak
Ep 61
Fake x and x Real
Ep 62
Defeat x and x Dignity
Ep 63
Pose x and x Name
Ep 64
Centipede x and x Memory
Ep 65
Breakdown x and x Awakening
Ep 66
Great Power x and x Ultimate Power
Ep 67
Zero x and x Rose
Ep 68
Hostility x and x Determination
Ep 69
Unparalleled Joy x and x Unconditional Love
Ep 70
Formidable Enemy x and x Clear Objective
Ep 71
Magic x of x Despair
Ep 72
Anger x and x Light
Ep 73
Flash x and x Start
Ep 74
Deadline x to x Live
Ep 75
The Word x Is x That Someone
Ep 76
This Person x and x This Moment
Ep 77
Homecoming x and x True Name
Ep 78
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Episodio 100
Ep 100

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